Market insights

French hotels in figures

France, the world’s leading tourist destination, has more than 13,500 hotel establishments.

87% of hotel rooms are classified as France.

As of January 2023, the French park consists of 13,531 hotels, according to INSEE. “11,900 hotels are classified as of January 1, 2023, or 529,000 rooms or keys. 87% of hotel rooms were classified as France in 2022,” says a spokesperson for Atout France. According to the France Tourism Development Agency, 30% of classified hotels are in the entry-level segment: 3% of establishments have 1 star, and 27%, 2 stars. 48% of hotels are positioned on the mid-range (3 stars). 18% have 4 stars, and 4% have 5 stars.

47% of classified hotels are chain-owned

Au 1er janvier 2023, l’Île-de-France concentre 16 % des hôtels classés, suivie par l’Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (15 %), la région Paca (13 %), l’Occitanie et la Nouvelle-Aquitaine (10 % chacune), le Grand-Est (7 %) et la Bretagne (5 %). “46 % des chambres en région Île-de-France sont classées 4 ou 5 étoiles”, note le porte-parole. La Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, les Pays de la Loire, le Centre-Val-de-Loire, les Hauts-de-France et la Normandie accueillent respectivement 4% d’établissements classés, la Corse 3 % et l’Outre-mer 1 %.

As of 1 January 2023, Île-de-France has 16% of classified hotels, followed by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (15%), the Paca region (13%), Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine (10% each), Grand-Est (7%) and Brittany (5%), Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Pays de la Loire, Centre-Val-de-Loire, Hauts-de-France and Normandy have 4% of classified establishments, Corsica 3% and lOutre-mer 1% respectively.

According to Atout France, the average capacity of hotels classified in France is 44 rooms. In addition, 47% of classified hotels belong to a chain or network. Hôtellerie – mardi 18 avril 2023 link

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